This is a breakdown of the data in the fields: FIELDS: VALUES: lastname/Last Name/1-10 Smith Jones Miller Harris Wilson Brown Gore Bush Clinton Dole firstname/First Name/11-20 Bob Sam Harry Bill Mark Larry Doug Andy age/Age/21-22 18-99 race/Race/23 W B A H O sex/Sex/24 M F county/County/25-26 01-58 - County Codes company/Company/27-36 IBM Dell Microsoft Sun Oracle Novell Borland Gateway phone//37-46 ########## ac/Area Code/37-39 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 ssn/Social Security Number/47-55 ######### salary/Salary/56-60 20000-99999 title/Job Title/61 M A D V P C - (Mgr Anlyst Dir VP Prog Clerk ??) class/Classification/62 A S T (Admin Sup Tech)
stub race codes W,B,A,H,O spread labels Male,Female spread sex codes M,F stub age groups 18-21,22-35,36-64,65-99 spread labels Administration,Supervision,Technical spread class codes A,S,T
In the case of lastname, company, etc since were dealing with fixed length, trailing space fields .... *instructions trim lastname --- other wise say 'IBM ' trim company *tables ... stub company codes IBM, Dell, Sun spread lastname Smith, Jones, Miller