XTAB Documentation

The *files section contains of the following commands:

Command Abbreviation Description
 input  in  Defines the input file.
 limit  li  Limits the number of records read by the program.
 output  ou  Defines output file(s) used by the program.
 html  ht  Creates an HTML output file of the tables defined by the program.
 csv  cs  Creates a CSV output file of the tables defined by the program.

Command: input (in)
Usage  : input filename

Manditory, occurs once. Defines input file to the program.


input xtabdemodata.txt
input audit.log
in    /prod/daily/error.log


Command: limit (li)
Usage  : limit number

Optional, occurs once. Defines the number of records to be read by the program. Used primarily in testing.


limit 10
limit 100
li    250000


Command: output (ou)
Usage  : output handel filename

Optional, occurs multiple times. Defines a file to be written to by the program. The handle is the internal name used by the XTAB program. It is referenced subsequently by the write command.


output f1   f1.txt
output ibm  /test/ibm.test
ou     errs /audit/error.log


(later in the program)
write f1 name,company,salary
write ibm partnumber,cost


Command: html (ht)
Usage  : html

Optional, occurs once. Tells the program to create a html format of the tables defined by the program. The file created will be prog.htm where prog is the source name of the original program.

The idea is the .htm file can save transfering the printed output to html format. The file may the be loaded into an HTML editor for further formatting, additional graphics, etc. If both html and csv commands are given the .htm file contains a link to the .csv file




Command: csv (cs)
Usage  : csv

Optional, occurs once. Tells the program to create a csv format of the tables defined by the program. The file created will be prog.csv where prog is the source name of the original program.

The idea is the .csv file can be used to load into a spreadsheet program to, among other things, create graphs and charts of the tables generated by the program. If both html and csv commands are given the .htm file contains a link to the .csv file.


