ule - Unix Line Editor - ver 2.0 - (last updated: 04/02/99)- a simple, but very useful unix editor for the rest of us -mark holgerson - oracle dbaholg@earthlink.net
Remember your first UNIX class? Everything is going along
just fine, the UNIX OS looks straight forward enough, you've
entered some commands, some ls's and some cd's, you may have
even grep't, and you think you've got a handle on it when you
are given the task to cobble together some simple scripts. Sounds
easy enough.
That's when the teacher lays vi on you, along with a plethora
of various fifth generation xeroxed vi crib sheets, short cut
cards, and some friendly well-intentioned sing-song reminders
(H-J-K-L means what (Have-Just-Killed-Linux?)
The lab soon decends into a purgatory of computer beeps from
invalid commands being issued (when in doubt hit the escape key
- HARD!!), fellow labbies whining and crying about lost, corrupted,
and otherwise destroyed and unusable source files. You may have
even managed to edit a DIRECTORY with god knows what consequences!
Soon the room is filled with the cacophony of anxious chair
squeaks, tables shoved, keyboards banged, terminals slapped,
and the torrents of explicatives deleted (**##$ *@@*! !!*&
*&$ $#&), and that's just the instructors!
In short, the UNIX intro class comes to a stand still as
a death march ensues toward a modicum of vi understanding.
Well this is one WHY. Wouldn't it be nice to have a simple
editor just to learn UNIX?
All kidding aside, ule is ideal vehicle for students learning
UNIX and/or C in a character based environment, also for those
who need a simple editor to perform simple tasks, as well as
the full fledged professional that can utilize ule as an editor
and file viewer.
Before compiling you may want to modify the MAXLINES value
in the source (I set it to 4000 for the PC and 1000000(!!)
for UNIX). This determines the maximum number of lines the editor
Then simply compile using your local c compiler (run "make
ule" (or whatever you saved it as)).
Thus wherever you are just download and make and your
ready to go!!
Call it Shareware, Freeware, Try-ware, Beg-ware, Guilt-ware,
Under-ware, Silver-ware, Hiho-Silver-ware, Twenty-years-of-scooling-and-they-put-you-on-the-dayshift-ware,
Whatever-ware: Yes ule is free!
For comments, bug reports, suggestions, enhancements, or