The task is to create a new instance named abc.

It is assumed that the Oracle software is already loaded, and that:


We have be given 2 spindles (/abc/v001, and /abc/v002) to work with.

The steps:

Some convinces:

By creating the following alias(s) you can be sure you are running server manager against the appropriate instance:

alias smabc='export ORACLE_SID=abc; svrmgrl'

This is also handy: create a file ci.sql that contains: connect internal. Now you can sign on to a instance abc by:


Create the OFA file system for abc:

cd /oracle/admin
mkdir abc
cd abc
mkdir adhoc
mkdir arch
mkdir bdump
mkdir cdump
mkdir create
mkdir exp
mkdir logbook
mkdir pfile
mkdir udump

The OFA file system is now ready.

Create the initabc.ora file:

Oracle supplies an init.ora file. With current standard disk sizes (9M-18M), and memory sizes (~1G), this is a file that is showing it's age.
I am not a big fan if the ifile= parameter.
My starting point is initabc.ora. In this file the parameters are placed in approximate order of importance or significance.
It is simple and can be used to spawn subsequent instances.

Further comments:

Thus to initabc.ora is ready.

Create the abc instance:

cd /oracle/admin/abc/create

Place the file s00 into the create directory.

Modify the default characteristics of this file to reflect your instance profile (file locations, sizes, redo logs, rollbacks ...):




 SYSTEM  /abc/v001/SYSTEM_0.dbf


 RBS001  /abc/v001/RBS001_0.dbf


 RBS002  /abc/v002/RBS002_0.dbf


 RBS003  /abc/v001/RBS003_0.dbf


 RBS004  /abc/v002/RBS004_0.dbf


 RBS005  /abc/v001/RBS005_0.dbf


 RBS006  /abc/v002/RBS006_0.dbf


 TEMP  /abc/v002/TEMP_0.dbf


 USERS  /abc/v002/USERS_0.dbf


 TOOLS  /abc/v002/TOOLS_0.dbf


Now edit this file into s01.sql, s02.sql, ... s05.sql.
It would be possible to just run a s00.sql, but its just a little more judicious to break it into parts.
Note that the s00 file can be used as a starting point for creating other instances later.
Now run:

... (now set sys,system passwords)
alter user sys    identified by abcdba;
alter user system identified by abcdba;     

